Happy New Year! Every year I say I'm going to take the plunge and focus more on my writing and truly running this blog, but daily life (work, kids, housework, grad school...) just gets in the way. This year, I'm again going to attempt to make that part of my new year's resolution, but we'll see what happens! In the meantime, today's photo is from Capri. Capri isn’t exactly known for its beaches. The island is very rocky with steep drop-offs in places and irregular terrain. When you think of the beautiful island and all that it has to offer, it doesn’t conjure up the images of white sand beaches and lapping waves that many islands do. However, the water around Capri is a cerulean blue and just looks too inviting to pass up. In several locations throughout the island, you can find “concrete beaches” like this one where they have poured concrete onto the rocks in order to give locals–and visitors–a comfortable place to lay out in the sun and a great platform to jump into the sea from for a cooling dip. It looked much higher from the vantage point of standing directly over the water! The first time I jumped, my sinuses got cleared out (it felt like the water went straight up into my brain). So, the second time I was a little more trepidatious and held my nose! Nonetheless, it seemed appropriate for a New Year's post as everyone attempts to take the plunge into their new resolutions for 2019.